Mayor Brian Ortega is beloved in the idyllic community of Long Grove. While decorating for Christmas with the residents, Brian discovers his childhood Christmas wish list which magically begins to come true, reminding Brian about the spirit and joy of the holiday. Returning to town for Christmas is Brian’s childhood friend Nina Meyers, and soon a connection becomes undeniable as she helps Brian face a new challenge for the town. As Brian’s wishes come true, he inspires the town to showcase its warm culture and values in order to stop the modern world from stifling the charm and heart of Long Grove.

Title :

Once Upon a Christmas Wish watch free soap2day

Genre :

Latest Movies / Drama

Release :


Director :

Brian Herzlinger

Stars :

Mario López, Courtney Lopez, Shannon Brown, Tim Metzler, Brian McCartney, Shaniece Cole, Sarafina Vecchio

Once Upon a Christmas Wish


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