The Colleagues Make the Bridge (1988) Watch only in HD/4K Quality

The Colleagues Make the Bridge

Online HD Watch

Year: 1988   Time: 96 min

Director: Vincent Rouffaer

Plot: The movie made after the hit series \"De Kollega\'s\" starring the same characters, but rather tragicomic. When November 11, an official holiday (Armistice), falls on a Tuesday, the public service often gets an extra day off on the preceding Monday, but only after a formal ministerial decision, and this time it gets all the way trough the hierarchy to the right office- and then isn\'t read, so all the colleagues turn up, only to be told they should have stayed at home. It gets worse: works in progress and clumsiness end up blocking the way out both by lift and staircase, so they are stuck on their floor, apparently without a phone, while there\'s nobody outside who can hear and rescue them. Forced to keep their conversation going, some secrets get unearthed, and it\'s not a very pretty picture they got of each-other.

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